Saturday, October 23, 2010

Liu: It's too much not to me very hard

From 40-year-old began. Over the past 25 years, Liu played many roles: scientists, sea intellectuals, China's largest computer company founder, football fans ... ... "I never fail, never considered the ruin." Cycle of 4 years, Liu February 5 this year to return to Lenovo. Liu, 65, arrived early retirement age, many people are expecting him to add a legend, just as Steve Jobs saved Apple as a hero. When the family as Lenovo, Liu Chuan aim at interviewed did not think more about the future, but the topic into the business and people, between enterprise and management, in his view, the determinants of the development of an enterprise or in people.


Price reduction for 6 times a year

"Now we talk about most is how companies deal with the financial crisis, I also Cougerenao, like 80-year-old woman with asthma, the winter will be disease. Take enterprises, if their very healthy physical activity , in fact, the ability to respond to crises. "

"At that time the newly established association for 10 years, gone pretty smooth, but it almost did in the past Canton." Appears in Liu, Lenovo was founded in 1984 had encountered so far numerous Hom, including last year's third fiscal quarter, Lenovo loss of 97 million U.S. dollars, but the biggest Hom is in 1994.

He remembers vividly the national computer sales in 1990 is 20 million, the largest domestic brand at a time when the "Big Brother" Great Wall, then do not come into foreign computers. "The computer industry was the first to enter the WTO, in 1991,1992 in the complete cancellation of approval, then a significant reduction in customs duties. That way, the large foreign brands of computer swarmed by 1993, the entire market, almost all foreign big brand computers. remember that the Great Wall, led by computer has a brand called 0520, but the year 0520, there is no there, a wave of Shandong Province, has disappeared. "

For the year of "hard-fought," Liu recalls. "I was probably only a year Lenovo 20 000 units sold, while in the year 1993, non-performing." In 1994, Liu let go of a Bo, Yang was appointed general manager of Lenovo, Lenovo's own year brand PC sales among the top three in China.

Liu said the margin was so pricey computers, computer gross domestic brands to 27%, was started in 1996 Lenovo cut prices for 6 times. "At the time of the professional media say we are just like the others live, sells Tiaolou Jia, but Lenovo's profit that year, much higher than what year. Why did not compete with our competitors?" Liu throw then followed by a question answered: "general headquarters of the large foreign brands in Europe and the United States, the decision-making in the Chinese market have to do the headquarters, the lapse of time become a major problem. and we can take a decision immediately. Chinese counterparts could not find杩欎釜瑙勫緥锛屾垨鑰呮病鏈夋垜浠繖涔堝厖鍒嗙殑鍑嗗锛屾墍浠ヤ粎鍑繖涓?」锛岃仈鎯?996骞村氨璺冨眳涓浗甯傚満浠介鍜屾秷璐圭巼浜у搧甯傚満浠介绗竴浣嶃?鈥?br />

銆??鎽樻帀鈥滃浗瀛楀彿鈥濆附瀛?br />


銆??浠婂勾9鏈?鏃ワ紝鍦ㄦ煶浼犲織鍥炲綊鑱旀兂鐨勭7涓湀锛屾皯钀ヤ紒涓氭硾娴烽泦鍥互27.55浜垮厓浠庝腑鍥界瀛﹂櫌鍥芥湁璧勪骇缁忚惀鏈夐檺璐d换鍏徃鎵嬩腑鎺ヨ繃鑱旀兂鎺ц偂29%鑲℃潈锛岃嚜姝よ仈鎯虫帶鑲$殑鍥芥湁鑲℃潈姣斾緥鐢?5%鍑忚嚦36%锛屽叕鍙镐竴涓炬憳鎺変簡鈥滃浗瀛楀彿鈥濈殑甯藉瓙銆?br />








銆??鈥滀互浜т笟鎶ュ浗涓哄繁浠伙紝鑷村姏浜庢垚涓轰竴瀹跺?寰椾俊璧栧苟鍙椾汉灏婇噸锛屽湪澶氫釜琛屼笟鎷ユ湁棰嗗厛浼佷笟锛屽湪涓栫晫鑼冨洿鍐呭叿鏈夊奖鍝嶅姏鐨勫浗闄呭寲鎺ц偂鍏徃銆傗?杩欏氨鏄仈鎯虫帶鑲$殑杩滄櫙銆傛煶浼犲織闃愰噴浜嗗瓧閲岃闂寸殑鍚箟锛氣?鑱旀兂鎺ц偂鍐充笉鏄竴瀹跺彧杩芥眰璐㈠姟鍥炴姤鐨勫叕鍙革紝鑰屾槸瑕佸湪鑻ュ共棰嗗煙褰㈡垚鑷繁鐨勬牳蹇冧紒涓氾紝浠ュ疄鐜颁骇涓氭姤鍥界殑鎰挎湜銆傝?涓旓紝鎴戜滑瑕佸湪涓栫晫鑼冨洿鍐呮湁褰卞搷鍔涳紝鎴戜滑瑕佸仛涓?浼熷ぇ鐨勫叕鍙搞?鈥?br />



銆??鎴戜笉鑳借鎹у緱閭d箞楂?br />

銆??鏌充紶蹇楋細杩欐湰涔﹁杩颁簡涓?悕鍦ㄥ璧勫ぇ浼佷笟宸ヤ綔鐨勪腑鍥戒汉濡備綍浠ュ悎娉曟墜娈典簤鍙栬繘姝ャ?浣滆?鐨勫緢澶氭兂娉曡窡鎴戜竴鏍凤紝浣嗘洿鏉$悊鍖栵紝鍥犱负浠栨洿澶氱珯鍦ㄥ憳宸ョ殑瑙掑害鎬濊?銆?br />


銆??鏌充紶蹇楋細鏂囧寲鐨勫姏閲忓湪鍝噷?鑱旀兂鏂囧寲浠庢潵閮芥槸璇翠粈涔堟槸浠?箞锛屼笉瀹氬垯宸诧紝瀹氫笅鏉ョ殑鍒跺害涓?畾瑕佸仛鍒般?姣斿璇磋仈鎯充笉璁歌繜鍒帮紝杩熷埌缃氱珯鐨勮瀹氾紝涓?仛灏卞仛浜嗗崄鍑犲勾銆?br />



銆??鏌充紶蹇楋細鎴戜笉鏄暀鐖讹紝鎴戜笉鑳借鎹у緱杩欎箞楂橈紝鍥犱负閭f牱鈥滃お杈涜嫤浜嗏?銆?br />
Press Notes




銆??鏌充紶蹇楋紝姹熻嫃闀囨睙浜恒?1966骞存瘯涓氫簬瑗垮畨鍐涗簨鐢佃宸ョ▼瀛﹂櫌 (鐜拌タ瀹夌數瀛愮鎶?ぇ瀛﹀墠韬?锛岄珮绾у伐绋嬪笀锛岀幇浠昏仈鎯虫帶鑲℃湁闄愬叕鍙告?瑁侊紝鑱旀兂闆嗗洟鏈夐檺鍏徃钁d簨灞?富甯?

銆??鏌充紶蹇楁浘鍦ㄥ浗闃茬宸ュ鍗侀櫌鍥涙墍鍜屼腑绉戦櫌璁$畻鏈烘墍浠庝簨绉戝鐮旂┒宸ヤ綔锛?984骞翠腑鍥界瀛﹂櫌鍒涘姙鍖椾含璁$畻鏈烘柊鎶?湳鍙戝睍鍏徃(鑱旀兂闆嗗洟鍓嶈韩)锛屾煶浼犲織鏄叕鍙稿垱鍔炰汉涔嬩竴銆?986骞翠换鎬荤粡鐞嗭紝1989骞村崌涓烘?瑁併?棣欐腐鑱旀兂浜?988骞村垱濮嬫椂锛屾煶浼犲織鎴愪负棣欐腐鑱旀兂涓诲腑銆?997骞村寳浜仈鎯充笌棣欐腐鑱旀兂鍚堝苟锛屾煶浼犲織鍑轰换鑱旀兂闆嗗洟涓诲腑銆?br />
銆??鏌充紶蹇楀厛鍚庤璇勪负绗簩灞?鈥滃叏鍥界鎶?疄涓氬鍒涗笟濂栭噾濂栤?绗?鍚嶃?鈥滃叏鍥芥湁绐佸嚭璐$尞涓潚骞翠笓瀹垛?銆佲?涓浗鏀归潻椋庝簯浜虹墿 鈥濓紝1995骞磋璇勪负 鈥滃叏鍥藉姵鍔ㄦā鑼冣?銆?000骞?鏈堣銆婅储瀵屻?鏉傚織璇勯?涓?鈥滀簹娲叉渶浣冲晢涓氫汉澹?锛?000骞?鏈堣銆婂晢涓氬懆鍒娿?璇勯?涓衡?浜氭床涔嬫槦 鈥濓紝2000骞村害璇勪负 鈥淐CTV涓浗缁忔祹骞村害椋庝簯浜虹墿鈥濄?2001骞磋缇庡浗銆婃椂浠e懆鍒娿?璇勯?涓衡?鍏ㄧ悆25浣嶆渶鏈夊奖鍝嶅姏鐨勫晢鐣岄琚栤?涔嬩竴銆?br />


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ulead SmartSaver Pro 3.0 Cheats bit of communication (17)

Sixth: the same method to add the button to turn the other four events, when the mouse moves out of date picture shows the red button.

There are four events here turn, can not choose wrong too!

"By": When the mouse over an image with a new image will replace it.

"Click": release the left mouse button on the image when the trigger rollover event.

"Press": When you hold down the left mouse button and when the cursor is also the image.

"Out": when you remove it from the image when the mouse rollover events to trigger.

Seventh: I just completed the mouse over a button, the picture turns blue, and now we have to make simultaneous changes in the picture on the console, which is also called a remote trigger. Click the Select button on the toolbox, in the first cell on the Tap button to select it, press the Ctrl key at the same time point in the console when the cell, and then click "select Flip Image" folder icon in the "select Flip Image" dialog box, select the first picture of image, be careful not to select the "absorption image for the cell size."

Figure 028: Select the remote triggering of image

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Vice Minister of Ministry of Industry and women throughout the year Ou died 59 years

According to Business Daily reported that the Ministry of Industry has issued the official website obituary, Deputy Minister of Industry and Ou died at 12 in Beijing.

59-year-old Ou director in the Ministry of Industry and SME Division Industrial Division in areas such as Deputy Minister of Industry and previously served as deputy director of the State Development and Reform Commission, State Economic and Trade Commission deputy director.

The reporter called authorities informed the EU in terms of new Guizhou Development and Reform Commission as deputy director of the period, or as Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Ministry during the period, in addition to sub-grasp, industrial, work in the field of information outside of the country and support the development of SMEs , she almost became the core of the most important work in recent years.

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